Rome International Art Fair 2022 – 4th edition

Rome International Art Fair 2022 

Rome International Art Fair 2022  is a contemporary art fair that presents
collective and solo projects by leading and emerging international artists. The 4th edition will represent a forum for direct exchange of ideas and contacts between collectors, artists, photographers, designers and art professionals. The art fair features paintings, sculptures, photography art, installations, video art and live performance.

Rome International Art Fair 2022 , organized by ITSLIQUID Group will be held in Rome, at Medina Art Gallery from September 16 – 29, 2022.
The exhibition provides artists and exhibitors with the unique opportunity to present their works to an international audience of professionals as curators, gallerists, collectors, editors and publishers who seek to acquire, publish and encourage the best contemporary art talents.

The exhibition analyzes the relationship between body and space, and the hybridization between identities and cultural/physical/social/urban settings in contemporary time, through two main sections: Mixing Identities and Future Landscapes.

Mixing Identities focuses on the human body as a changing system connected to other bodies and spaces, and analyzes the hidden parts of our identities, through the fascinating universe of the labyrinths of our consciousness.

Future Landscapes is about the concept of borders and structures between body, mind and soul, the human identity and the city, the space and the ground.

Dove: Medina Art Gallery Roma dal 16/09/2022 al 29/09/2022

Tipo evento: Mostra Foto

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